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/////ARCHITEkstURA\\\\\it is a free summer center/atelier aimed at 20 participants including Ukrainian boys*, boys* of foreign origin educated in Italy, Italian boys* and the adults who surround them, during which participants will be asked to carry out research on the neighborhood to imagine and co-design together an element of urban architecture within the spaces of the Tabacchi Factory.


/////ARCHITEkstURA\\\\\it is a project byUtopia Station in collaboration withOnouka Cultural Association AndCodesign Tuscany, created thanks to the contribution ofCR Florence Foundation


Thanks to Istituto Comprensivo Verdi, Liceo Scientifico Statale "Guido Castelnuovo" Florence, Manifattura Tabacchi



The activities:

>> two weeks are scheduled (it is possible to register for one or both weeks)

  1. July 3-7 | from 9am to 1pm

  2. 4-8 September | from 9am to 1pm

>> are intended for a group of 20 girls and boys between 6 and 13 years old 

>> they are free, in case of excess applications compared to availability, priority will be given to students* enrolled* at the Istituto Comprensivo Verdi and with the lowest ISEE

>> they are led by educators, artists and artists


  • Tobacco Factory, via delle Cascine, 35


How to participate

  • registration obrequired, sign up below! 


Registration deadline

  • June 23 






From Monday 3 to Friday 7 July

edited by Margot Omodei, Codesign Toscana

The first week of Architekstura aims to provide education about the city and in the city, to awaken the discovery and understanding of the daily urban environment, of public space and its inhabitants, human and otherwise. Through observations, sensorial explorations, listening exercises, interviews and group elaborations, participants will be accompanied to create a mapping of the needs and resources of the neighborhood which will be used during the second week to design an element of street furniture. 



From Monday 4th to Friday 8th September 

inspired by Sedicente Moradi and Anastasiia Yermishyna, Onouka

The second week of Architekstura is dedicated to the conception and construction of an element of urban architecture co-designed by the children, the girls and Sedicente Moradi, a Florentine artist. The work is conceived as a gift to the walls of the Tabacchi Factory in perfect harmony with the fabric of the spaces and respecting the surrounding environment which hosts the work and does not pollute.


a project by             in collaboration with             thanks to the contribution

ORIZZ giornate di studio Amir
ORIZZ giornate di studio Amir
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