Le ville e i giardini medicei rappresentano un vero e proprio microcosmo attorno a cui ruota la vita di corte. In questi luoghi i Medici prima, i Lorena e i Savoia poi si dedicarono alle proprie passioni: l’arte e il mecenatismo, la vita nella natura e la caccia, la convivialità a corte e la buona tavola. Per la ricchezza di arredi, motivi decorativi e tecniche artigianali custodiscono veri e propri tesori, testimonianze materiali delle arti minori del nostro territorio.
Stazione Utopia, in collaborazione con il Polo Museale della Toscana, propone una serie di attività ricreative e di formazione, laboratori e visite guidate finalizzate a far conoscere la storia e le opere conservate nelle ville e nei giardini, attraverso metodologie inclusive e una varietà di tematiche e approcci pensati per pubblici sempre più articolati e differenziati: dalle scuole, agli adulti, alle persone con bisogni educativi speciali.
A partire dalle potenzialità offerte dalle lavagne interattive, si propongono lezioni frontali in cui grazie a diversi supporti (video, interviste, immagini, rendering) si illustrano temi di ampia portata e vasto respiro.
MOC | Museum of Communities, run by with the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów and Royal Palace in GödöllÅ‘ intends to exchange knowledge and experiences as well as train and teach each other how to encourage local communities to engage in voluntary work in museum, how to create an interesting story about cultural, natural and historical heritage, using also own experiences and stories. Together
with colleagues from Hungary and Poland, we plan to create an educational tool - a narrative dice that will support volunteers and educators in learning how to build a unique story, organize arguments, build independent judgments about the object or phenomenon in question, weaving also their own thoughts. The narrative dice will be available for free download and use for everyone.
Co-funded by ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union, KA2
Grant Agreement No. 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081917
As part of the Erasmus+ project, “Museum of Communities”, along with our partners from Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów and Royal Palace in GödöllÅ‘ a, we have created a new publicly available educational tool.
The story cube supports our work with volunteers in terms of creating engaging and unique stories about museum items.
We have designed not one but two cubes:
senses cube, to support the process of experiencing objects through our senses;
mind cube, to encourage users to think and reflect critically.
Story cubes allow the users to ask questions about heritage objects and look at them in a new manner, inspiring them to learn collectively and have a discussion. The tool may be used with both beginners and advanced storytellers. Story cubes are a universal solution to be used in adult education.
Download the detailed instructions and a graphic template for the story cubes:
31st January h. 14
Join us for the project presentation During the online seminar, we will summarize the project outputs and share with you the idea of the project continuation.
We will also present the Story Cube – the educational tool designed for tutors to help volunteers develop narratives aboutobjects andcreate engaging andunique visits.
TPM (Transational project meeting) > WILANÓW, PL
The project activities consisted of working days aimed at planning actions related to the project issues, sharing good practices to support volunteers's contribute to the museum education programs and knowing collection of Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów.
Period: 07/09/2021> 08/09/2021
Receiving Organisation: Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, Warsaw, Poland
Number of people: 2
1st LTT Meeting (Learning Teaching Training) > FLORENCE, IT
Period: 25/10/2021> 29/10/2021
Receiving Organisation: Stazione Utopia, Florence, Italy
Number of people: 7
2nd LTT Meeting (Learning Teaching Training) > WILANÓW, PL
Period: 07/02/2022> 11/02/2022
Receiving Organisation: Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, Warsaw, Poland
Number of people: 4
2nd TPM (Transational project meeting) > FLORENCE, IT
Period: 10/03/2022> 11/03/2022
Receiving Organisation: Stazione Utopia, Florence, Italy
Number of people: 9
3rd LTT Meeting (Learning Teaching Training) > GÖDÖLLÕ, HU
Period: 04/07/2022> 8/07/2022
Receiving Organisation: Royal Palace in GödöllÅ‘ Budapest, Hungary
Number of people: 4
4th LTT Meeting (Learning Teaching Training) > WILANÓW, PL
Period: 19/09/2022> 23/09/2022
Receiving Organisation: Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, Warsaw, Poland
Number of people: 4
Period: 11/16/2022> 11/18/2022
Receiving Organization: Royal Palace in GödöllÅ‘ Budapest, Hungary
Number of people: 1